THE K1NGDOM OF GOD is a Christian production studio located in New York City that aims to modernize Christian culture while staying true to the word of God. We specialize in creating cutting-edge fine art, films, and community workshops that explore themes related to Christianity and mental health. Our mission is to educate and inspire others by collaborating with local artists and churches to spread the message of Jesus Christ and make a positive impact in our community and beyond.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Matthew 6:33

THE K1NGDOM OF GOD was created by christian artist John Thomas McCann. After moving to New York in 2020 to pursue his master’s degree in music composition at NYU J.T. began exploring the diverse streets to learn more about culture, religion, and psychology. A year before arriving to New York J.T. experienced panic attacks and a rare condition called depersonalization due to obsessive compulsive disorder. These traumatizing experiences inspired J.T. To begin a new chapter learning about the human psyche and it’s relation to his christian faith. While traveling through the five Burroughs of New York J.T. began meeting people of different ages, wealth classes, ethnicities, genders, and beliefs to began a dialogue discussing their upbringing, religion, and mental health experiences. Thus THE K1NGDOM OF GOD was born.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

ROMANS 10:9-10

J.T. McCann (b.1997) is a multi-disciplinary artist living in New York City. From 2019-2022 J.T. received his Master's in Screen Scoring: Theory & Composition at New York University. While at NYU, J.T. expanded his musical & creative vocabulary which helped define his unique artistic identity. The program was centered around scoring music to many mediums including (film, animation, and live performance), extensive recording sessions with live musicians including the (Prague Philharmonic Orchestra), and advanced skills to scoring music to picture. He was selected by the NYU Contemporary Ensemble to perform an original composition: The Holy One: Genesis in December 2021.

In addition to music and composition, J.T. has a strong passion for photography and visual media. Upon arrival to New York in 2019, J.T. took to the streets to find answers to questions about life, culture, and art by observing the world through the lens of his camera. Through two years of exploring the five Burroughs of New York, taking street photography, and reflecting on his experiences, came his book entitled, UNMASKED, as a commentary on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UNMASKED was published in 2023 and is now available on Amazon.

From 2015-2019 J.T. received his Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education at Texas Christian University. At TCU, J.T. learned the fundamentals of teaching and performing music through the study of a myriad of percussion instruments including vibraphone, steel pans, marimba, timpani, drum set, and much more. In his field work teaching music to elementary, middle, and high school students, the essential skills of leadership, organization, planning, multitasking and communication were learned in a busy workplace environment.

J.T. uses his unique gifts from God for humanity to create art that is informative, meaningful, and contemplative in hopes of impacting the world for the better in the name of God.